RoosterBio was founded to accelerate the development of the Regenerative Medicine field by utilizing advancements in Manufacturing Sciences. As such, we have long been involved in laying the groundwork for a Technology Roadmap for sustainable Cell Therapy Manufacturing.
Recently, RoosterBio was part of the first-ever Cell Manufacturing Consortium aiming to position the United States as a leading developer of Cell Manufacturing Technologies and the Chief Authority on Cell Manufacturing Standards Worldwide. The goal of this Consortium was to establish a collaborative public-private partnership that engages industry, academia, regulators, and other stakeholders in removing barriers to the advancement of the cell-manufacturing industry, thereby bringing new therapies and diagnostics to the healthcare market. As a result, the Consortium members have formulated an extensive Cell Therapy Manufacturing Technology Roadmap to the year 2025. This document is in final review and should be available shortly. In the meantime, we've compiled some resources (to which we will continue to add and seek your input as well) on Cell Therapy Manufacturing for those interested.
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